- acetone bodies
- • ацетоновое тело• ацетоновые тела
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
acetone bodies — acetone bodies, Medicine. a group of ketones resulting from incomplete oxidation of fats, the presence of which in urine is a characteristic symptom of diabetes; ketone bodies … Useful english dictionary
acetone bodies — ketone b s … Medical dictionary
Acetone — Acetone[1] … Wikipedia
BODIES... The Exhibition — Bodies The Exhibition is a controversial showcasing preserved human bodies dissected to display bodily systems. It opened in Tampa, Florida on August 20, 2005. [cite press release |title= BODIES… The Exhibition Makes Its World Debut… … Wikipedia
Acetone — Ac e*tone, n. [See {Acetic}.] (Chem.) A volatile liquid consisting of three parts of carbon, six of hydrogen, and one of oxygen; pyroacetic spirit, obtained by the distillation of certain acetates, or by the destructive distillation of citric… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Acetone — In the body, a chemical that is formed when the body uses fat instead of glucose (sugar) for energy. The formation of acetone means that cells lack insulin or cannot effectively use available insulin to burn glucose for energy. Acetone passes… … Medical dictionary
ketone bodies — ketone bodies, = acetone bodies. (Cf. ↑acetone bodies) … Useful english dictionary
Ketone bodies — are three water soluble compounds that are produced as by products when fatty acids are broken down for energy in the liver and kidney. They are used as a source of energy in the heart and brain. In the brain, they are a vital source of energy… … Wikipedia
Ketone bodies — Chemicals that the body makes when there is not enough insulin in the blood and it must break down fat instead of the sugar glucose for energy. The ketone bodies acetone, acetoacetate, and beta hydroxybutyrate are toxic acidic chemicals. They… … Medical dictionary
acetonemia — The presence of acetone or acetone bodies in relatively large amounts in the blood, manifested at first by erethism, and later by a progressive depression. [acetone + G. haima, blood] * * * ac·e·ton·emia or chiefly Brit ac·e·ton·ae·mia .as ə tō… … Medical dictionary
ketone — A substance with the carbonyl group linking two carbon atoms; the most important in medicine and the simplest k. is dimethyl k. (acetone). * * * ke·tone kē .tōn n an organic compound (as acetone) with a carbonyl group attached to two carbon atoms … Medical dictionary